What I love about being an introvert is how I can thoroughly enjoy myself while the common onlooker might think I’m not doing much to get excited about.
This is the second baby bib I’ve embroidered in only six months! Now, I don’t want you to start thinking that it’s a little weird of me to start collecting baby bibs in my one-room student apartment (along with layettes and baby bottles and whatever else people hoard when expecting a baby). I made this for a brand-new sweet-cheeked little baby who was born last month! I am really looking forward to meeting the little thing and this will be my welcome-to-the-world gift.
I made this embroidered pouch on my way to Strasbourg, whiling away the train ride by chatting and embroidering colourful tropical fish.
I have never really understood why people get so excited about smartphones. Sure, they’re very practical, especially when you have a terrible sense of direction and get lost in your own neighbourhood (ahem). And they are impressive machines, when you think of how light and small they are and how much they can do… But I’ve never understood the great interest people take in the latest models, the materials they’re made of or the new features they’ve got!